Hi! 👋

I am Karel, I am a student and under the Karlosoft I develop custom websites and publish open-source projects.

Karel Čermák


📝 Contact Form

💼 Commercial Projects

✅ Karlosoft Projects

📤 Open-source Projects

🌐 WordPress Demo Websites

🏆 My Successes

AOC 2023 (FI MU)

25. 12. 2023

2nd place in AOC 2023 of 1st year FI MUNI students.

Funovation Con22

1. 10. 2022

1st place at the Funovation Con22 Hackathon organized by Foxconn in cooperation with UPCE.

Erasmus+ CIT

24. 6. 2022

Successful completion of a computer game development internship in the Unity engine in Granada, Spain.

Cisco IT Essentials

28. 4. 2020

Successful completion of the Cisco Networking Academy IT Essentials course.

🏁 My Experiences

Development of websites and administration systems

Website development with WordPress technologies for general websites. With PHP, JS and Bootstrap for advanced systems.

Database and versioning systems

MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Git versioning systems.

Server Administration and Network Services

Windows AD setup for small businesses, Linux server management for private VPN, DNS, Reverse Proxy or web hosting. Basic network infrastructure administration.

Managing virtualization and NAS systems

Basic knowledge of the Proxmox virtualization system and advanced knowledge of QNAP's QTS NAS system.

Arduino project development

Development of simple and advanced projects with Arduino including small batch production.

API integration to social networks

API integration to social networks like Instagram and Twitter (X).

Basic knowledge of programming

Basic knowledge of programming in C, Java and Python, including basic knowledge of algorithms and data structures.

📬 Contact

I like new challenges. I approach each project individually and try to connect the ideas of clients with the final realization as much as possible.

If you have an idea, write me an e-mail or fill out the contact form. Together we can come up with a new project that will make sense.


📝 Contact Form
You can find me at: